Mr R Sherry
Mr I L Williams
Mr D Davison
Ms P Bland
Ms M Holmes
Mr M Ricketts
Mr J Sheen
Mrs S Hodgson
Company Secretary
Ms S P Hodgson
Newlands Community Association began its life in 1996 when it was established as a focal point for the many local community groups in the Newlands area. It was a member of the steering groups which successfully bid for SRB funding for the period 1997 to 2004. The funding was administered during this time by the Newlands Partnership Board.
In 2004 Newlands Community Association was designated to continue the work of the Newlands Partnership Board.
The NCA has a mission to ‘relieve poverty, advance education, promote and assist in the provision of leisure and recreational facilities, thus improving the life of the area’s communities and residents.
The Newlands area includes:
Greengates, Fagley, Ravenscliffe, Bradford Moor and Eccleshill
Legal Status
NCA is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. This means that:
We have both charitable and legal status
Our annual accounts are independently examined and submitted to the Charities Commission and Companies House along with an Annual Report, details of our Management Committee and our constitution.
A company limited by guarantee does not have a share capital or shareholders, but instead has members who act as guarantors.
Future Plans:
NCA is part of a steering group looking to develop an accredited learning centre in Ravenscliffe to provide training and work experience opportunities for local people.